This is where we begin.

The eyelashes are removed, without eye lashes Felice looks a little droopy eyed.

Glasstic eyeballs removed and after a little bit of cleaning we are ready to begin.

Initial sew ins. A knot is tied at the end of each lash. This process took longer than I anticipated. I took a pause in sewing in lashes when it became difficult to; due to hairs getting in the way of each other.

Lashes pulled through to their correct places, silicone 'adhesive' placed under the eyelid together with the knots to keep them in place.

Trimmed those lashes then;
Round 2 of sew ins...

Round 2 pulled into place.

Remaining lashes given an initial trim. Left for 36 hours before placing the eyeballs back in and final eyelash trim.

After the prescribed 36 hours had passed, the lashes were given their final trim.

Eye ball placed back in.

I figured the hair would benefit from some hair wax and baby oil.
And that, I think may be the last modification I do on Felice for a little while.