A day after getting her, and a crack has appeared on her right wrist, The crack has a tendency to enlarge if you apply some pressure to it, but reaches a limit. This crack is a curiosity to me, although I have been moving her outside the recommended ranges, I have not moved it all that much further than recommended at that joint.

The pose I left her in overnight

New crack at arm pit
I committed the faux pas of trying to repair it with superglue and discovered the following day that the crack has not stayed close. But because of the pose I left her in overnight, I now have another crack at her right armpit too.
A while ago I did some research in my attempt to make a silicone doll. It turns out nothing sticks to silicone except silicone (and dust...). And so I should not be all that surprised that the superglue did not work so well.

Well in light of that, I've decided to purchase 'Hyper Repair Kit for Professional'. Basically my order cleared on a Friday, and it's supposed to have shipped on the following Monday, but I've yet to hear confirmation of this. It has been nearly a week after the order cleared.
So 3 days after getting her, and because of the tears, I've decided not to pose her for photographs yet. Instead I played with her eyes. Not knowing what I am doing has been detrimental to her. In my impatience I exerted more force than was necessary and caused damage particularly to her right eye. Her beautiful eye lash is not out of whack, and there are minor tears on her lower eye lid.

Paint on lower part of eyelid peeled off as well

image showing groove on eyeball that can be hooked onto to change the direction the eye is facing
Here you can see the shape of the 'eyeball'. They sit in the socket, and there is a hole at the back of the socket that limits the eyeballs range of motion. What you need to do is amply gentle pressure to the eyeball in the direction you want the eye to face; using a small implement that can hook on to the groove on the eyeball. An example of such an implement is the tool you can buy on the website (not shown here). Whilst doing that you apply gentle pressure on the eyeball itself so as to encourage it to move in the direction you want. I've found a drop of baby oil helps overcome the otherwise significant friction the eye socket has on the eyeball.

The 'user pdf' on the Sidh dolls discourages removing the eyes on your own. Quite by accident I found removing the eyes to actually be easier than moving them. Just apply gradual pressure to the side of the eyes and they pop right out.

Joint manipulated to show wires and urethane part of skeleton
5 days after getting Felice I've had my first wire break of sorts. Mind you, I've been playing with her kinda like an action figure and moving the joints outside the recommended ranges. What's happened is that the wire has broken at the wrist, but it's broken in 2 separate places (something I could observe due to the crack at the same wrist). Since the wire break occurred at 2 different places, it still holds a pose somewhat.
As a side note the forearm joint strikes me as being pretty neat. I'm not sure how it's done, put the joint actually turns very well, like there is something special that allows rotational movement at that joint.

Also on the same day; since Felice arrived I've been having her occasionally stand on her feet. This means that sometimes grit might get embedded there. That and putting the shoes on roughly has made little dings. I suspect using a generous dose of Talcum powder, or perhaps baby oil would help shoes go on better.

More on the same day, the paint that covers her right nipple has faded away. An effect in part due to having rubbed the area a lot; the area being raised and due to the strength of the paint there. Rubbing the right inner elbow corner to purposely fade the darker paint there has yielded no effect. And 8 days after getting her from constant play, her left nipple has faded away too.
So the material while soft, is a little less robust than I anticipated it to be. Arte Tokio dolls are made as works of art that are made to have their poses be changed occasionally; as opposed to a toy that is made to be played with frequently.
I'd recommend that if you are planning on getting an Arte Tokio Doll, get one of the repair kits as well (oh and be careful to pick the correct skin colour when getting it, a mistake that seems quite easy to miss).

So until her wounds get better Felice won't be able to do any modeling which has her feeling a little down.
Thanx for sharing your experiences with the Arte Tokio doll, because I'm interested in buying the Sidh doll. Good luck with the repairs, I hope Felice will be better soon and ready for some modeling.
ReplyDeleteThanks Steve, Recently got the repair kit and will be posting how that went soon.